West Kent Neighbourhood Watch

DNA Forensic Property Marking

Forensic Property Marking Sign

The West Kent Neighbourhood Watch Association in collaboration with Kent Police, Tunbridge Wells Community Safety Partnership and Kent Crimestoppers are supporting a new initiative that has had a significant effect on crime reduction.

The technology has been described as "the only totally secure forensic property marking system on the market." Indeed, in areas where this system has been widely used the company that manufactures the product has reported a reduction of thefts and burglaries up to 85%.

By using a unique synthetic DNA code, laser etched on to the surface of thousands of microdots, which cannot be analysed or copied.

The microdots are carried in a water-based adhesive, which can be applied to any surface, and dries hard and clear in approximately ten minutes. It is non toxic and environmentally friendly, but virtually impossible to remove, especially when applied to grooves, crevices and textured surfaces. This will ensure that should a thief remove the microdots traces of the adhesive (containing both the ultra-violet tracer and the DNA) will always be available for forensic analysis.

The adhesive solution contains an ultra-violet (UV) tracer, which is only visible under UV examination.

Ownership details are held on a secure approved database, which is accessible to police 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The product comes complete with tamper resistant warning labels and window stickers, which act as a highly effective theft deterrent. This property marking system is suitable for virtually any personal item including silverware, jewellery, tack, Sat Navs, mobile phones, iPods and laptops. It can also be used on larger items such as quad bikes and heavy plant. The standard home kit contains 30ml of the DNA solution with approximately 1000 microdots which is sufficient to mark and protect at least 50 items.

If five or more residents of the same street register with the scheme the Association may provide a street sign as above free of charge.

Kits can be obtained, at a discounted rate of £20.00 from Peter Rolington on 0 1 5 8 0 2 1 2 9 2 0 or Email peter.rolington@kent.pnn.police.uk

Visit SelectaDNA - advanced forensic marking for further details.